Challenge Factory’s Blog
What we’re thinking.
3 risks keep managers from engaging in employee career development
Helping staff connect their day-to-day work with longer-term career aspirations enhances productivity, employee engagement, and loyalty.
Architecting the Future of Work: We are all actors
Through our action or inaction, we all shape the Future of Work. That means we need to expand the conversations that are taking place to include everyone.
3 lessons from our student interns
Hiring interns might not be easy for small businesses, but the value they bring is well worth the effort.
Engaging with the Future of Work: What we’ve been up to
Challenge Factory works with organizations that are thinking about how the world of work will change between now and 2030.
3 early lessons from the National Conversation on the Future of Work
We asked career practitioners and HR professionals across Canada what they think about the shifting world of work.
We brought a National Conversation on the Future of Work to Cannexus 2018
Cannexus is a community of professionals dedicated to careers, work, and employment. Through creative collaboration, we explored what they believe about the Future of Work.
4 lifelong learning strategies you should know
Be honest with yourself about what you want to learn versus what you need to learn.
Are your workforce challenges chronic or acute?
Treating acute or chronic challenges in your organization with the wrong type of solution can be disastrous. Here are 3 steps to diagnosing them properly.
Year in review: 5 ambitious questions we asked in 2017
In 2017, Challenge Factory set out to answer a set of ambitious questions that would challenge the tendency to approach the Future of Work with myths rather than facts.
Career management: Your secret weapon for today’s Talent Revolution
How can small businesses benefit from career management tools? Our new ‘Retain and Gain’ playbook has the answers—along with 40 practical activities and resources you can implement today.
Your next steps: Bridging what was with what will be
Career transitions don’t have to happen in a single step. You can appreciate many aspects of your career, yet move away from some of them as you chart your way forward.
Retaining and engaging top performers with career management
Employers often lack the time, knowledge, and resources to be able to focus on career management for their employees. It’s time to change that.